Friday, August 14, 2009


We have been taking the girls to the beach for a play in the sand recently. These photos are at Margate, Redcliffe.

Fish and chips

Took the girls out to Morgan's at Scarborough for fish and chips the other night. Maia was impressed with her first taste.

Our new table

We decided our old dining table was finally a little bit small (especially when the girls high chairs take up two of our dining chairs) and splashed out and bought a new one (definitely not on ebay) from Nick Scali. Our old dining table was a wedding present of Mum and Dad's.

Playing with Kia

Helping Daddy

Rob has been doing some garden edging and Ella loves to help Daddy. (The pictures aren't very good, but you can get the gist of what was going on.)

Playdough with Nanna