Friday, September 21, 2007

New hat

Ella with her new hat that cannot be pulled off her head. Surprisingly hard to find a hat that you can tie on. I can't believe that Ella is the only one who pulls her hat off.... She has decided to copy Kia in eating leaves, grass, sticks, whatever you can find.

Kia standing guard, ie. waiting for Ella to drop what she has.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007



About three weeks ago we got to meet Matilda, our friends Dave and Amanda's new baby. Funnily enough, she looked just like all the photos we had seen of her (she takes after her Mum and Dad). It was great to be able to have a cuddle of another baby, she felt so small compared to Ella.

Rob and his apprentice

Rob has been doing some work in Toowoomba for friends of Kim and Mark (Michelle and Stephen). They have two boys, Mark (nearly 3) and Thomas (just turned 1). Mark has been enjoying going through Rob's tools and naming them all for him. Hope you don't mind Michelle and Stephen for stealing your photo, but it's a good one!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Fathers Day

We had a fairly quiet Father's Day. I cooked Rob breakfast, we put Ella back to bed and went back to bed for another hour ourselves. It was then off for a Watkinson lunch at North Pine Dam.
After that, an abortive attempt to put Ella down for her afternoon sleep and Rob went to see his father. Met Maddox (Kylee's new puppy) in the afternoon and ended up with a houseful of visitors.
Had a quiet night, Ella went to sleep with barely a whimper. Kept meaning to take a photo of Ella and Rob all day (their first Father's Day together) but forgot! The only photo we ended up with was one of Nanna and Ella - lucky it's a good one.