Sunday, June 28, 2009

New photos of Ella

Finally decided that she would wear her dressing gown.

Ella feeds Kia all by herself now (except Kia doesn't listen to her when she tells her to sit and eat).

She also loves to pick her own clothes!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Ella has not had a good week this week. She has decided that she will not stay in her room when it is time for bed and constantly c0mes out or screams. We have had to resort to tying her door shut (with rope) a few times (twice last night at about 2am). Seems we have gotten one sleep problem sorted (Maia) and another has been created.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ella's best friend

Ella just loves putting Kia to bed with all her toys, books and blankets.


It appears our little princess is finally learning. To sleep, that is! After spending 4 days and 3 nights at the Ellen Barron Centre last week, she has learnt to self settle without her dummy and to go all night (6pm - 6am) without a feed. That doesn't mean she doesn't wake, but we are making progress. She did go last night from 6:15pm until 4:40pm without waking. Only problem was, her daddy decided he wanted to keep everyone up by coughing for an hour. Oh well......

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Big rain

These photos are from the big rain we had a couple of weeks ago. The level in the park got even higher after I took these photos and was flowing very quickly. Amazing how many people stopped outside our house just to look at all the water.


Loving her first taste of yoghurt.


I found a recipe to make your own 'puff paint' on the internet the other day and thought Ella and I would give it a go. The only problem was Ella didn't want to leave enough paint on the cardboard for it to puff.

Becoming mobile....

Maia isn't crawling yet (thank goodness), but is definitely starting to get around. You leave her somewhere thinking it will be safe and come back and she's rolled halfway across the room. Ella brought me in a magazine the other day that Maia had started to rip to shreds. Time to lock everything up soon (well, pick it up from the floor anyway).

New photos!

I thought it was about time I added some new photos to the blog site considering I haven't even put any up of Maia yet. Will try to do it a bit more regularly from now on (depends on how much sleep I have had!?!?).

These are just a couple of photos from this morning. Very hard to get a nice photo of Ella, she always does a silly smile.

This is Ella's latest thing - to set up a 'bed' somewhere around the house and lie down for about 10 seconds and then hop up again. Takes her a lot longer to set up the 'bed' than she actually lies down for.